Wednesday 15 June 2011

basic principals

The Three Basic Principles For Satsangi's:-

Jadjan: to exalt others through active service… or in Thakur’s words, “To roam midst family, friend, and foe, with the mission and tiding of thy Lord. To serve all in his name with every compassion to make them proficient for existence.”

Istobrity: a daily love offering …. Or
“If the offering is achieved through energetic volition and ability, it renders one abler and abler, gradually. And makes one rocky in his stand. It generates an undaunted energy within when others quiver in the blast.”

Jawjan: to meditate on mantra every day…..or
“The word that vibrates in all life, within and without, is the hunger to be united from molecule to man. When that word behaves into life, blood, and flesh, the word is incarnate. It is the word with behaviour that is the existence of all.”

Satsang Initiation or Deeksha

Satsang Initiation--- means how adopt satsang way of spiritual life
This is pupularly called deeksha--

Initiation: Anyone seeking to be initiated into Satsang way of life
shown by Shri Shri Thakur Anukulchandra--
The one who has purity of character,
who practices diligently the Yoga of Sound,
and who can explain *clearly* Sant Mat
(the complete Path of the Masters with nothing missing),
can be accepted and trusted as Satguru/Teacher.

In the Sant tradition of India the complete methods of meditation
practice are communicated at the time of Initiation (Diksha) by the
living Master or a representative of the Master. A living Teacher,
being fully acquainted with the 'landscape' of Inner Space, is able
to impart to initiate-candidates valuable guidance on how to safely
make the journey of ascension to the spiritual worlds during
meditation practice within. The details of Surat Shabd Yoga practice
are not found in books, old scriptures of the past, and are not for
sale, but are given freely to seekers by a living Teacher at the
time of Initiation.

An intense longing to meet the Lord during one's lifetime
is the first and foremost qualification for Initiation.
Seek, and ye shall find, is the law.

sri sri thakur anukulchandra

Satsang, a Sanskrit word, literally means a gathering or association to uphold existence and truth.
The Satsang movement was inspired by Anukul Chandra Chakravarty, respectfully called Sri Sri Thakur, by his followers and admirers. Sri Sri Thakur was born in 1888 in Pabna, Bengal (now in Bangladesh) and later moved along with his followers to Deoghar, India, where the main centre of the Satsang ashram is today. Sri Sri Thakur completed his earthly work and left for his heavenly abode in 1969.

Trying to describe who Sri Sri Thakur was and the Satsang movement in a few lines is like trying to put an ocean in a teacup. How do you even start describing a person who had the love of Christ, the spontaneous eloquence of Prophet Muhammed, the enlightenment of Buddha and the spiritual realization of Ramakrishna Paramhansa? The people who felt his loving touch have described him variously as an Avatar, Saint, Prophet, Master and by other such names. To his devotees, however, he remains an ocean of love who came to fulfill and to uphold all life and existence.
A Divine Profile
The craving urge of life is to sustain its existence and to be expanded. We find in the life resting in grass or grasshopper, in fish or fisherman, in fly or butterfly, the same craving urge of existence and existential grown pervades. To find a final solution a man rest at one place, person or time and arrests the surroundings. Sometimes like a monkey climbing on an oily stump proceeds and recedes, man fails to reach the peak. Man with broken heart is pulled into the pythonic yawn, where he gets no way out for survival. The earnest prayer for rescue at last brings the creator unto earth with solid body and soul in the shape of a man. Among all impossibilities He makes Him possible. The Providence turns into a man with blood and bone, among all banes His adventure is the only boon.
While petals of life fading like a book eaten by weevils His arrival on this earth sways up all dirts. He showers peace and bliss, shows the way to grow in mirth. His benign grace awakens the world into supra-consciousness from the bed of deep slumber. The floods of radiant rays from everywhere evaporate the ugly darkness. The flowers diffuse the sweet fragrance of His presence. The birds twitter about Him The rainbows reflect the light and colour of the Almighty.
The heart of the uncountable upheave by the august touch of His divine compassion and sonorous blessings. The philosophers, poets. Scientists, diplomats, agrarians and people of gigantic personalities pay their homage at His lotus feet. Poets affirm their sensible feelings on Him as their poetry of palatable rhythms, luster of serenade, abode of eternity and fountain of joy.
By His advent reorientation of consciousness, knowledge, true wisdom prevail on the earth His enshrining personality changes the oxidentation of blind customaries and dark thoughts into reorientation if wisdom . He comes, guides, goads and makes life glorious in the global context from encircling gloom. He is the latest manifestation of humanity, the greatest of greats of human society. Purusottam, the embodiment of dharma, the upholder of existence, in whom conglomeration of all ideas and isms turn into existentialism.

Basic tanets of Satsang
The basic principles which each disciple had accepted on initiation and which were the basis of Thakur’s faith are given below as they were understood by Ray A. Houserman :------

Jadjan: --to exalt others through active service… or in Thakur’s words, “To roam midst family, friend, and foe, with the mission and tiding of thy Lord. To serve all in his name with every compassion to make them proficient for existence.”

Istobrity: --a daily love offering …. Or
“If the offering is achieved through energetic volition and ability, it renders one abler and abler, gradually. And makes one rocky in his stand. It generates an undaunted energy within when others quiver in the blast.”

Jawjan: -- to meditate on mantra every day…..or
“The word that vibrates in all life, within and without, is the hunger to be united from molecule to man. When that word behaves into life, blood, and flesh, the word is incarnate. It is the word with behaviour and is the existance for all".

" The degeneration of humanity began at that moment when the unseen God was made infinity and, ignoring the Seers, the worship of their Sayings began.
Oh Mankind ! If you desire to invoke your good, forget sectarian conflict. Be regardful to all the past Prophets. Be attached to your living master or God and take only those who love him as your own. Because all the past Prophets are consummated in the divine Man of the present." - Sri Sri Thakur Anukulchandra- Satyanusaran-
Sri Sri Thakur said that the Supreme being ( Ultimate GOD) is one & only one. All the Prophets are same and there is no difference. His ideology is based on three major concepts:
1. GOD is one and all Prophets are the same. The Latest Prophet is always the Fulfiller of all the previous prophets.He said Ram, Krishna, Jesus Christ, Mohammad, Chaitanya & Ramkrishna Paramahans have been the Prophets & we should respect them all. Blasphemy to anyone of them is blasphemy to all.
2. Living Ideal ( Guru in flesh & blood/ a living Guru). He said that the abstract God can not be comprehended by humans. So, we need a living Guru who has the attributes (some, if not all) of God. This Guru is the living embodiment of all ideals of life. When a Prophet comes He is called Sad-Guru, the most perfect Guru, and blessed are those who get such a Prophet. This chain of Prophets will continue as long as the creation exists.
3. Marriage on the principles of Varna system. That is first marriage of a man in his own varna ( Savarna Marriage), then he can marry females of the lower varnas ( Anulom Asavarna marriage/ Hypergamous marriage). The former is to preserve the original genetic stock of the lineage, and the subsequent ones to breed new bio-diversities. But he warned against Hypogamous ( Pratiloma) marriages, where the girl is from higher varna. Progeny of such marriages are distorted by birth, as, Sri Sri Thakur "inferior sperm destroys the nodules of a superior ovum". These people, however brilliant, are anti-existence, anti-life by birth, and can not be cured.

some beautiful pics of thakur:-